Enjoy right now our submitted article on “Integration of High-Tc Superconductors with High Q Factor Oxide Mechanical Resonators” on arXiv ! [OPEN]


Luca Pellegrino visited on 22.11.23 the Collaborative Research Centre CRC 1261 at the Faculty of Engineering of Kiel University and present the recent OXiNEMS results with a talk.

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On 29 October 2023, “Brain and Quantum Sensors” conference took place at the twenty-first edition of the Genoa Science Festival, where Stefania Della Penna (University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara) and Carmine Granata (Cnr-Isasi) talked about magnetoencephalography, SQUIDs and emerging magnetic field sensors capable of increasing the applications spectrum and diffusion of magnetoencephalographic systems. The discussion has been moderated by Luca Pellegrino and organized in the framework of the OXiNEMS project.

The OXiNEMS activities have been presented at IEEE NMDC 2023.

Nicola Manca gave the invited talk on “Complex Oxides NanoMechanics” on Tuesday 24 October 2023, while the last results on the OXiNEMS magnetometer have been presented by Luca Pellegrino Wednesday  25 October 2023 with the contributed talk “A Hybrid Superconductor/Nanomechanical Magnetic Field Detector for Biomagnetism”.

The results of the OXiNEMS project were presented in a Start-Up booth at the Micro- and Nano Engineering conference MNE2023 in Berlin on 25-28 september 2023.

An overview of the OXiNEMS project was presented, with a focus on Oxide-based mechanical devices, Oxide nanomechanics as a key technology for MEMS magnetometers and the Route towards a nanomechanical MEG channel. The booth was manned by Quantified Air, and besides an a generic overview of the project, the audience could experience live demo's including the inspection of real Oxide MEMS devices under a microscope, and 3-printed models of the portable channel and of the hybrid sensor.

Also a fully operating EFPI20M fiber interferometer was demonstrated, showing nanometer displacement sensitivity on the booth table using an oscilloscope and a positioning stage.




Giving a look into literature about magnetism, one may ask a question: Which comes first? The new naming of the phenomenon, or the use of an already existing word adapted in order to describe the phenomenon?

Enjoy the paper written by Grazia Biorci from CNR-IRCrES, where she analyses the term “magnetism” in the language and literature and gives some hints on how the linguistic transmission runs along two parallel paths, in balance between the progress of scientific knowledge and the specialization of its language.

This article has been inspired by a collaboration between Grazia Biorci and the OXiNEMS project in the framework of the 20th edition of the Genoa Science Festival for the exhibition “we are all magnetic”, dealing with magnetometers for consumer applications and biomagnetism. The OXiNEMS team acknowledge Grazia for her precious support!

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