Luca Pellegrino & Nicola Manca enjoyed visiting the Warner Venstra’s laboratory at Quantified Air B.V. in Leiden.
The objective of LSMOMEMS is to study the principle of operation of infrared bolometers making use of MEMS resonators (i.e. MEMS bolometers) fabricated with epitaxial oxide thin films. The long-term goal of LSMOMEMS is to demonstrate the potential of bolometers made of (La,Sr)MnO3 in relevant technological applications, such as Non Dispersive InfraRed (NDIR) gas sensors, IR spectroscopic sensing or imaging devices.
This project will further develop the technology of complex oxides micromechanics by combining the expertise on micro-fabrication and thermo-mechanical characterization of the two research units. LSMOMEMS will work on two research directions: the development of full-oxide MEMS systems made from epitaxial oxide heterostructures and the integration of complex oxides with silicon MEMS technology. Exchange activities of researchers and students will allow developing a shared framework for performance analysis and fabrication protocols. LSMO-based MEMS are currently under development within the OXiNEMS project.
Nicola Manca had also the opportunity to present the OXiNEMS project to CNRS-GREYC members.